Frequently Asked SEO Questions

What are SERPs?
SERPs is an acronym for Search Engine Results Pages. Basically they are the search results you receive when doing a search at a search engine.
How often should I submit my website to the search engines?
Once. Resubmitting your URL does not get you indexed faster or improve your rankings. Also, resubmitting your site will never cause your site to be banned. If so, then all you would need to do is submit your competitors’ sites repeatedly until they were banned.
Sites with .com rank higher then with , Why ?

This is another common myth that is untrue. The only time a domain extension can affect your ranking is if the search is based by country. The country-specific TLDs (e.g. .co.uk) will have priority over non-country specific TLDs (e.g. .com or .net).

One observation many make is that .coms tend to rank higher then other domain extensions. They assume it is because .coms are given preferential treatment. This is a poor assumption. .coms seem to rank higher then other extensions because they are by for more popular then any other domain extension (there are more .coms than .net, .org, .biz, .edu, .gov, and .info combined) so they naturally have a greater chance of ranking higher vs other domain extensions through sheer quantity alone. .coms also tend to be older sites so they have had a chance to establish themselves whereas newer domain extensions have not. They have also used this time to acquire more backlinks which is an important factor in search engine algorithms.

This is a very common myth that is 100% untrue. The file extension does not affect your rankings in any way. After all, no matter what server side programming language you use, and what extension you choose to use with it, they all just spit out HTML in the end. That’s all a web browser will see and that all a search engine will see.

It is also commonly believed that .gov and .edu sites are given preferential treatment from search engines. This is also untrue. Web pages on .edu and .gov domains tend to rank well because they contain quality content and many webmasters will link to their content as a result. Both of these are key elements in SEO. But the fact that they are .edu or .gov domains does not benefit them directly in the SERPs.

Pages with query strings don’t rank as well as without query strings, Why ?
Another common myth that is untrue. The only way variables in a query string can affect a site in the SERPs is if it has a session ID or something that looks like a session ID in it (e.g. id=123456). These usually prevent indexing of these pages or limit the amount of pages indexed. But query strings do not affect the page’s ranking. Neither in a positive way or negative way.

Why aren’t all my pages being indexed?
If your site is less then six months old stop reading now. Your site is too new to be worrying about getting all of your pages indexed. Be patient. It takes time to crawl through your whole website and add your pages to the index. If you are sure your pages are search engine friendly then you have nothing to worry about.

If your site is six months old or older you need to check your website to make sure all of your pages can be found and indexed. Have you:

1) Made a human sitemap?
2) Made a Google or Yahoo sitemap?
3) Used search engine friendly URLs?
4) Used search engine friendly navigation?

An additional note: get incoming links. These are important for the search engines’ algorithms and may play an important part in how deep the search engines will crawl your website.

How do I check if my site is search engine friendly?
Turn off JavaScript, CSS, and cookies in your web browser and view your website. This is how the search engines most likely see your website. If you can successfully view your content and navigate your website your site is mostly search engine friendly. The only other thing to check is your URLs. Not using a session ID or ‘id=’ in your query strings is also very helpful.

What does it mean to have your site indexed by the search engines ?
To be indexed by the search engines means your webpages have been crawled and included in the database of the search engines. Your pages are now available to be included in search results of user queries. This doesn’t mean your pages are guaranteed to be included. It just means they are available. The pages will still need to be relevant to the search terms before they will be included in the SERPs.

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